Friday, October 31, 2008

Feds say school districts must improve dropout rates

Jefferson High School in Los Angeles, Calif., has a 58 percent dropout rate — the worst record in the Los Angeles Unified School District. The district averages 33.6 percent dropouts, compared to a statewide average of 24.2 percent. New rules are coming to try to help curb these statistics.

State to cut funds for LAUSD by $440 million

Inglewood USD Teacher charged with assult


Sorry for not having posted anything for the few weeks. Laptop issues!!!! uuugh Hopefully, i'll be back up and running soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

NCLB test score gains prove to be a challenge in San Diego County

The headline for the article is "questionable" at best. But the article shows the difficulty schools face with the accelerated test scores demands.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Inglewood USD Superintendent shown the door.....

By one vote, the board declined to renew Superintendent Pamela Short-Powell's contract. What's really going on? The board has yet to answer why they will not renew the contract. Sounds like somethings not right.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Does LAUSD Deserve some credit?

The following is an open letter from LAUSD Senior Deputy Superintendent Cortinas. We are glad to see the improvements. Students and staff......keep up the good work. You have a long way still to go!!!

"Last summer's destructive fire season was a direct result of the California Supreme Court overturning a ban on same sex-marriage in May"

Here's an example of why the founding fathers put into our constitution the separation of church & state. A student at American River College (in Norther CA) blames wildfires on the CA Supreme Court ruling.

Mayor Villaraigosa wants exemption from state laws

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Average Superintendent on job an average of 36 months

We at TCI are doubtful, the Romer Building Plan would have been implemented had his tenure only spanned only 36 months. Especially, coming off the Belmont boondoggle.

How About "I Believe in Public Educaton"

Here's what John McCain had to say about education. Sounds like he really believes in privatization of education.