Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Power Play of Week

Mayor Villarigosa has played a very shroud political move with the new LAUSD bond measure. Not only is he requesting additional funds, but he is tying those funds to both school improvement, and charter school expansion. What the mayor has done, is to tie two opposing forces (teacher union and charter schools) to getting additional funds for the district. A very dangerous move, but one that takes guts and a little muscle. If The Mayor can get the teachers union and the charter school community to publicly back the bond, he will have a team of spokes people that the fiscally conservative can not readily attack. Smart move Mr. Mayor! Good luck with keeping these two opposing interest in-line and on message.

P.S. Work on the transparency issue. It will be very difficult to push through, if LAUSD is not forthright and exact on how the funds are to be spent. The tax payers have not forgotten about Belmont.

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